1. 터미널의 delay time을 4000msec/line 으로 변경 (각 라인의 스크립트 결과가 나오지 않을 경우 더 큰 값을 준다.)
2. 터미널에 출력되는 log를 저장 하도록 setting
3. 터미널에 아래의 dump script를 copy & paste
d 0x69000000,192,4
d 0x69040000,192,4
d 0x69080000,128,4
d 0x690C0000,128,4
d 0x69100000,384,4
d 0x69140000,64,4
d 0x69148000,64,4
d 0x69180000,64,4
d 0x69200000,1024,4
d 0x69280000,128,4
d 0x69288300,192,4
d 0x692c0000,64,4
d 0x69300000,1152,4
d 0x69340000,64,4
d 0x69380000,896,4
d 0x693c0000,896,4
d 0x69400000,896,4
d 0x69440000,896,4
4. 모두 출력 후 로그 저장을 종료
'KISANTEL'에 해당되는 글 5건
주제 : 2-Fiber BLSR
시간 : 2006년 7월 26일, 오후 3시 ~ 5시
장소 : 기산텔레콤 2층 대회의실
발표자 : T.F.T 이현주(hjlee at kisantel.co.kr)
참가자 : T.F.T S/W
시간 : 2006년 7월 26일, 오후 3시 ~ 5시
장소 : 기산텔레콤 2층 대회의실
발표자 : T.F.T 이현주(hjlee at kisantel.co.kr)
참가자 : T.F.T S/W
ADM Add/Drop Multiplex
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AP Access Point
APS Automatic Protection Switching
AU Administrative Unit
AUG Administrative Unit Group
AU-AIS Administrative Unit Alarm Indication Signal
AU-LOP Administrative Unit Loss of Pointer
BER Bit Error Ratio
BIP-N Bit Interleaved Parity N
BLSR Bidirectional Line Switched Rings
Br Bridge(d)
CP Connection Point
DCC Data Communications Channel
DCN Data Communications Network
ET Extra Traffic
EXER-R Exerciser - Ring
EXER-S Exerciser - Span
FS-P Forced Switch to Protection
FS-R Forced Switched Normal Traffic to Protection - Ring
FS-S Forced Switched Normal Traffic to Protection - Span
FS-W Forced Switch Normal Traffic to Working
HO Higher Order
HO VC Higher Order Virtual Container
HP-DEG Higher Order Path Degraded
HP-EXC Higher Order Path Excessive Errors
HP-SSF Higher Order Path Server Signal Fail
HP-TIM Higher Order Path Trace Identifier Mismatch
HP-UNEQ Higher Order Path Unequipped
ID Identification
LO Lower Order
LOF Loss Of Frame
LO VC Lower Order Virtual Container
LP Lockout of Protection
LP-DEG Lower Order Path Degraded
LP-EXC Lower Order Path Excessive Errors
LP-S Lockout of Protection - Span
LP-SSF Lower Order Path Server Signal Fail
LP-TIM Lower Order Path Trace Identifier Mismatch
LP-UNEQ Lower Order Path Unequipped
LOS Loss Of Signal
MS Multiplex Section
MSA Multiplex Section Adaptation
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MSPA Multiplex Section Protection Adaptation
MSPT Multiplex Section Protection Termination
MST Multiplex Section Termination
MS-P Manual Switch to Protection
MS-R Manual Switch Normal Traffic to Protection - Ring
MS-S Manual Switch Normal Traffic to Protection - Span
MS-W Manual Switch Normal Traffic to Working
NE Network Element
NNI Network Node Interface
NR No Request
NUT Non-pre-emptible unprotected traffic
OAM&P Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning
OS Operation System(s)
POH Path OverHead
RR-R Reverse Request - Ring
RR-S Reverse Request - Span
RSOH Regenerator Section OverHead
SD Signal Degrade
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SD-P Signal Degrade of the Protection Channels
SD-R Signal Degrade - Ring
SD-S Signal Degrade - Span
SF Signal Fail
SF-R Signal Fail - Ring
SF-S Signal Fail - Span
SNC SubNetwork Connection
SNC/I SubNetwork Connection Protection with Inherent Monitoring
SNC/N SubNetwork Connection Protection with Non-intrusive Monitoring
SSF Server Signal Fail
STM-N Synchronous Transport Module Level N
Sw Switch(ed)
TCP Termination Connection Point
TMN Telecommunications Management Network
TSI Time-Slot Interchange
TU Tributary Unit
VC Virtual Container
WTR Wait To Restore
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AP Access Point
APS Automatic Protection Switching
AU Administrative Unit
AUG Administrative Unit Group
AU-AIS Administrative Unit Alarm Indication Signal
AU-LOP Administrative Unit Loss of Pointer
BER Bit Error Ratio
BIP-N Bit Interleaved Parity N
BLSR Bidirectional Line Switched Rings
Br Bridge(d)
CP Connection Point
DCC Data Communications Channel
DCN Data Communications Network
ET Extra Traffic
EXER-R Exerciser - Ring
EXER-S Exerciser - Span
FS-P Forced Switch to Protection
FS-R Forced Switched Normal Traffic to Protection - Ring
FS-S Forced Switched Normal Traffic to Protection - Span
FS-W Forced Switch Normal Traffic to Working
HO Higher Order
HO VC Higher Order Virtual Container
HP-DEG Higher Order Path Degraded
HP-EXC Higher Order Path Excessive Errors
HP-SSF Higher Order Path Server Signal Fail
HP-TIM Higher Order Path Trace Identifier Mismatch
HP-UNEQ Higher Order Path Unequipped
ID Identification
LO Lower Order
LOF Loss Of Frame
LO VC Lower Order Virtual Container
LP Lockout of Protection
LP-DEG Lower Order Path Degraded
LP-EXC Lower Order Path Excessive Errors
LP-S Lockout of Protection - Span
LP-SSF Lower Order Path Server Signal Fail
LP-TIM Lower Order Path Trace Identifier Mismatch
LP-UNEQ Lower Order Path Unequipped
LOS Loss Of Signal
MS Multiplex Section
MSA Multiplex Section Adaptation
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MSPA Multiplex Section Protection Adaptation
MSPT Multiplex Section Protection Termination
MST Multiplex Section Termination
MS-P Manual Switch to Protection
MS-R Manual Switch Normal Traffic to Protection - Ring
MS-S Manual Switch Normal Traffic to Protection - Span
MS-W Manual Switch Normal Traffic to Working
NE Network Element
NNI Network Node Interface
NR No Request
NUT Non-pre-emptible unprotected traffic
OAM&P Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning
OS Operation System(s)
POH Path OverHead
RR-R Reverse Request - Ring
RR-S Reverse Request - Span
RSOH Regenerator Section OverHead
SD Signal Degrade
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SD-P Signal Degrade of the Protection Channels
SD-R Signal Degrade - Ring
SD-S Signal Degrade - Span
SF Signal Fail
SF-R Signal Fail - Ring
SF-S Signal Fail - Span
SNC SubNetwork Connection
SNC/I SubNetwork Connection Protection with Inherent Monitoring
SNC/N SubNetwork Connection Protection with Non-intrusive Monitoring
SSF Server Signal Fail
STM-N Synchronous Transport Module Level N
Sw Switch(ed)
TCP Termination Connection Point
TMN Telecommunications Management Network
TSI Time-Slot Interchange
TU Tributary Unit
VC Virtual Container
WTR Wait To Restore