Monday, November 14, 2005
08:00 am – Registration for the tutorial and conference
09:00 - 05:30 pm - Tutorial 1 (in French)1 day tutorial
- Stratégie en réseaux telecom à moyen et long terme, G. Pujolle, LIP6, France
09:00 - 12:30 am - Tutorial 2 (in English)
½ day tutorial
- Peer-to-Peer Networking, R. Boutaba, Waterloo University, Canada
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00pm - 05:30 pm - Tutorial 3 (in English)½ day tutorial
- Ambient Intelligence and Sensor Networks, Sebastià Galmés, University of Balearic Island, Spain
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
08:30 – 09:15 – Registration
09:15 - 09:30 am – Opening of the conference
09:30 - 10:30 am – Keynote presentation
- Unreduced Dynamic Complexity: Towards the Unified Science of Intelligent Communication Networks and Software, A. P. Kirilyuk, Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
10:30 - 11:00 am- Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 am - Session 1: Security- On Using Mobility Prediction with Secure Context Management for Vehicular Users, M. Lee, G. Kim, S. Park, Chung-Ang University, Korea
- A Token Based Key Distribution Protocol for Closed Group Meetings, H. Koenig, TU-COTTBUS, Germany
- Upgrading PPP security by Quantum Key, S. Ghernaouti-Hélie and M. Ali Sfaxi, HEC, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00 - 03:30 pm - Session 2: Authentication
- Minimal Public-Key Based Authentication Mechanism in Mobile IPv6 Networks, H-J Lee, H-J Han, H-J Lim, T.M. Chung, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
- Fast Pre-Authentication, M Kassab*, A. Belghith*, JM Bonnin** and S. Sassi*, *ENSI, Tunisia, **ENST Bretagne, France
- The OpenEapSmartcard platform, P. Urien* and M. Danjinou**, *ENST Paris, **Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Visit of the Telecommunication Museum of Pleumeur Bodou
07:30 pm Gala Diner
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
09:00 - 10:30 am - Session 3: QoS
- End to End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks (EuQoS), O. Dugeon*, D. Morris**, *France Telecom R&D, **RedZinc Ltd, France
- QoS management for mobile users, B. Benmammar, F. Krief, LaBri Bordeaux I University, France
- A Differentiated Services API for Adaptive QoS Management in IP Networks, G. Nguengang* and D. Gaïti**, *Gingko Networks, France, **UTT, France
10:30 - 11:00 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Towards a self-managed system: from a generic conceptual framework to a case study, E. Lavinal, T. Desprats, Y. Raynaud, IRIT, Paul Sabatier University, France
- A context aware multiagent system architecture for a smart home, Y. Kim, E. Hwang, S. Park, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
11:00 - 12:30 pm - Session 4: Wireless
- Constructing Efficient Multi-hop Networks with the TDMA-based W-CHAMB Protocol, R. Zhao, Aachen University, Germany
- Modified Location-Aided Routing Protocols for Control Overhead Reduction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, S-M Senouci, T.M. Rasheed, France Telecom R&D Lannion, France
- Distributed address auto configuration protocol for ad hoc networks, A. Elabidi, S. Mettali Gammar, F. Kamoun, ENSI, Tunisia
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00 - 03:30 pm - Session 5: Signalling
- The use of COPS and NSIS in the EuQoS Project, E. Monteiro, F. Boavida, P. Simões, J. Sá Silva, L. Cordeiro, R. Eugénio, M. Carmo, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- New CAC Algorithm using Adaptive Modulation Control, S-K Noh*, Y-H Hwang*, B-H Ye*, S-H Kim**, *ETRI, Korea, **ChungNam National University, Korea
- DiffServ Management on Mobile IP Networks using COPS-PR, E. Jamhour, M. Fonseca, A. Beller, T. Merege, PUCPR, PPGIA, Brazil
03:30 - 04:00 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Towards an autonomic management and integration of heterogeneous networks and multimedia services, Anasser Ag Rhissa, Adil hassnaoui, INT, France
- Towards an Adaptive and Intelligent MPLS Network, R. Rahim-Amoud, L. Merghem-Boulahia, D. Gaïti, UTT, France
04:00 - 05:30 pm - Session 6: Multicast and Multipoint- Multicast Group Authentication, R. Mukherjee, J. William Atwood, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
- Determination of Multicast Routing Method based on the Condition of data Traffic Load, W-H Choi, Hankuk Aviation University, Korea
- Efficient Loss Recovery Algorithm for Multipoint Communications in Active Networks, Marta Barría*, R. Vallejos**, *University of Valparaíso, Chile, ** Technical University Federico Santa María, Chile
Thursday, November 17, 2005
8:30 - 10:00 am - Session 7: Configuration and context- Programmable Network Context Adaptation for Content Delivery Services, Z. Lai*, J. Sokol**, K-P Eckert***, A. Galis*, R. Lewis*, *UCL, UK, **Siemens, Germany, ***FOKUS, Germany
- Flow Context Tags: Concepts and Applications, R. Ocampo*, A. Galis**, H. De Meer***, C. Todd**, *University of Philippines, Philippines,**UCL, UK, ***University of Passau, Germany
- Modelling the Temporal Aspects of Network Configuration, S. Hallé*, R. Deca*, O. Cherkaoui*, R. Villemaire*, D. Puche**, *UQAM, Canada, **Cisco Systems, Inc., Montréal, Canada
10:00 - 10:30 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Fuzzy Proportional-Integral-Derivative Congestion Avoidance in Differentiated Services Networks, Mahdi Jalili, Azad University, Tehran, Iran
- Fast Handoff Scheme for Seamless Multimedia Service in Wireless LAN, K. Hye-Soo, DALI, Korea
10:30 - 12:00 pm - Session 8: Video and gaming
- End-to-End Video Delivery for QoS Provisioning in Wireless 3G Network, J-W. Kim, DALI, Korea
- Programmable Network Functionality for Improved QoS of Interactive Video Traffic, B. McAllister, A. Marshall, R. Woods, Queens University Belfast, UK
- A Distributed Architecture for Massively Multiplayer Online Services with Peer-to-Peer Support, K. Endo*, M. Kawahara** and Y. Takahashi*, *Kyoto University, Japan, **Ehime University, Japan
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00 - 03:30 pm - Session 9: Performance- Analyzing the Impact of Proportional Fair Scheduler on TCP Performance, J. H. Choi*, J. G. Choi**, C. Yoo*, *Korea University, **KT Convergence Laboratory, Korea
- A Centralized Slot Assignment Algorithm for Time-Slotted Optical Burst Switched Networks, T-W Um*, S. G. Choi**, J-K Choi*, *Information and Communi-cations University, Korea, **Chungbuk National Univer-sity, Korea
- Characterising Distributed Haptic Virtual Environment Network Traffic Flows, K. Yap*, A. Marshall*, W. Yu*, G. Dodds*, Q. Gu*, R. Tfaily Souayed**, *Queens University Belfast, UK, **UTT, France
03:30 - 04:00 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Characterization of failures in the Tunisian National University Network, Hichem Ayari, Khadija Ramah, Farouk Kamoun, ENSI, Tunisia
- A Design of Secure Engine for IEEE 802.11i, D. Bae, G. Kim, J. Kim, S. Park, O. Song, Chung-Ang University, Korea
04:00 - 05:30 pm - Session 10: Reliability and security
- Security Associations Management (SAM) Model for IP Multimedia System (IMS), M. Sher and T. Magedanz, Fokus Fraunhofer Institut and Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- A Vision for Reliable Network Services Architecture, J-B. Belinga*, H. Oumina**, D. Ranc*, *INT, France, **LORIA, Université de Nancy, France
- Security Verification and Classification of a Virtual Private Network, C. Llorens*, A. Serhrouchni**, *Equant, France, **GET-Telecom Paris, France
- Closing of the conference
08:00 am – Registration for the tutorial and conference
09:00 - 05:30 pm - Tutorial 1 (in French)1 day tutorial
- Stratégie en réseaux telecom à moyen et long terme, G. Pujolle, LIP6, France
09:00 - 12:30 am - Tutorial 2 (in English)
½ day tutorial
- Peer-to-Peer Networking, R. Boutaba, Waterloo University, Canada
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00pm - 05:30 pm - Tutorial 3 (in English)½ day tutorial
- Ambient Intelligence and Sensor Networks, Sebastià Galmés, University of Balearic Island, Spain
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
08:30 – 09:15 – Registration
09:15 - 09:30 am – Opening of the conference
09:30 - 10:30 am – Keynote presentation
- Unreduced Dynamic Complexity: Towards the Unified Science of Intelligent Communication Networks and Software, A. P. Kirilyuk, Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
10:30 - 11:00 am- Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 am - Session 1: Security- On Using Mobility Prediction with Secure Context Management for Vehicular Users, M. Lee, G. Kim, S. Park, Chung-Ang University, Korea
- A Token Based Key Distribution Protocol for Closed Group Meetings, H. Koenig, TU-COTTBUS, Germany
- Upgrading PPP security by Quantum Key, S. Ghernaouti-Hélie and M. Ali Sfaxi, HEC, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00 - 03:30 pm - Session 2: Authentication
- Minimal Public-Key Based Authentication Mechanism in Mobile IPv6 Networks, H-J Lee, H-J Han, H-J Lim, T.M. Chung, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
- Fast Pre-Authentication, M Kassab*, A. Belghith*, JM Bonnin** and S. Sassi*, *ENSI, Tunisia, **ENST Bretagne, France
- The OpenEapSmartcard platform, P. Urien* and M. Danjinou**, *ENST Paris, **Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Visit of the Telecommunication Museum of Pleumeur Bodou
07:30 pm Gala Diner
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
09:00 - 10:30 am - Session 3: QoS
- End to End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks (EuQoS), O. Dugeon*, D. Morris**, *France Telecom R&D, **RedZinc Ltd, France
- QoS management for mobile users, B. Benmammar, F. Krief, LaBri Bordeaux I University, France
- A Differentiated Services API for Adaptive QoS Management in IP Networks, G. Nguengang* and D. Gaïti**, *Gingko Networks, France, **UTT, France
10:30 - 11:00 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Towards a self-managed system: from a generic conceptual framework to a case study, E. Lavinal, T. Desprats, Y. Raynaud, IRIT, Paul Sabatier University, France
- A context aware multiagent system architecture for a smart home, Y. Kim, E. Hwang, S. Park, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea
11:00 - 12:30 pm - Session 4: Wireless
- Constructing Efficient Multi-hop Networks with the TDMA-based W-CHAMB Protocol, R. Zhao, Aachen University, Germany
- Modified Location-Aided Routing Protocols for Control Overhead Reduction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, S-M Senouci, T.M. Rasheed, France Telecom R&D Lannion, France
- Distributed address auto configuration protocol for ad hoc networks, A. Elabidi, S. Mettali Gammar, F. Kamoun, ENSI, Tunisia
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00 - 03:30 pm - Session 5: Signalling
- The use of COPS and NSIS in the EuQoS Project, E. Monteiro, F. Boavida, P. Simões, J. Sá Silva, L. Cordeiro, R. Eugénio, M. Carmo, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- New CAC Algorithm using Adaptive Modulation Control, S-K Noh*, Y-H Hwang*, B-H Ye*, S-H Kim**, *ETRI, Korea, **ChungNam National University, Korea
- DiffServ Management on Mobile IP Networks using COPS-PR, E. Jamhour, M. Fonseca, A. Beller, T. Merege, PUCPR, PPGIA, Brazil
03:30 - 04:00 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Towards an autonomic management and integration of heterogeneous networks and multimedia services, Anasser Ag Rhissa, Adil hassnaoui, INT, France
- Towards an Adaptive and Intelligent MPLS Network, R. Rahim-Amoud, L. Merghem-Boulahia, D. Gaïti, UTT, France
04:00 - 05:30 pm - Session 6: Multicast and Multipoint- Multicast Group Authentication, R. Mukherjee, J. William Atwood, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
- Determination of Multicast Routing Method based on the Condition of data Traffic Load, W-H Choi, Hankuk Aviation University, Korea
- Efficient Loss Recovery Algorithm for Multipoint Communications in Active Networks, Marta Barría*, R. Vallejos**, *University of Valparaíso, Chile, ** Technical University Federico Santa María, Chile
Thursday, November 17, 2005
8:30 - 10:00 am - Session 7: Configuration and context- Programmable Network Context Adaptation for Content Delivery Services, Z. Lai*, J. Sokol**, K-P Eckert***, A. Galis*, R. Lewis*, *UCL, UK, **Siemens, Germany, ***FOKUS, Germany
- Flow Context Tags: Concepts and Applications, R. Ocampo*, A. Galis**, H. De Meer***, C. Todd**, *University of Philippines, Philippines,**UCL, UK, ***University of Passau, Germany
- Modelling the Temporal Aspects of Network Configuration, S. Hallé*, R. Deca*, O. Cherkaoui*, R. Villemaire*, D. Puche**, *UQAM, Canada, **Cisco Systems, Inc., Montréal, Canada
10:00 - 10:30 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Fuzzy Proportional-Integral-Derivative Congestion Avoidance in Differentiated Services Networks, Mahdi Jalili, Azad University, Tehran, Iran
- Fast Handoff Scheme for Seamless Multimedia Service in Wireless LAN, K. Hye-Soo, DALI, Korea
10:30 - 12:00 pm - Session 8: Video and gaming
- End-to-End Video Delivery for QoS Provisioning in Wireless 3G Network, J-W. Kim, DALI, Korea
- Programmable Network Functionality for Improved QoS of Interactive Video Traffic, B. McAllister, A. Marshall, R. Woods, Queens University Belfast, UK
- A Distributed Architecture for Massively Multiplayer Online Services with Peer-to-Peer Support, K. Endo*, M. Kawahara** and Y. Takahashi*, *Kyoto University, Japan, **Ehime University, Japan
12:30 - 02:00 pm – Lunch
02:00 - 03:30 pm - Session 9: Performance- Analyzing the Impact of Proportional Fair Scheduler on TCP Performance, J. H. Choi*, J. G. Choi**, C. Yoo*, *Korea University, **KT Convergence Laboratory, Korea
- A Centralized Slot Assignment Algorithm for Time-Slotted Optical Burst Switched Networks, T-W Um*, S. G. Choi**, J-K Choi*, *Information and Communi-cations University, Korea, **Chungbuk National Univer-sity, Korea
- Characterising Distributed Haptic Virtual Environment Network Traffic Flows, K. Yap*, A. Marshall*, W. Yu*, G. Dodds*, Q. Gu*, R. Tfaily Souayed**, *Queens University Belfast, UK, **UTT, France
03:30 - 04:00 pm - Coffee Break
Poster session
- Characterization of failures in the Tunisian National University Network, Hichem Ayari, Khadija Ramah, Farouk Kamoun, ENSI, Tunisia
- A Design of Secure Engine for IEEE 802.11i, D. Bae, G. Kim, J. Kim, S. Park, O. Song, Chung-Ang University, Korea
04:00 - 05:30 pm - Session 10: Reliability and security
- Security Associations Management (SAM) Model for IP Multimedia System (IMS), M. Sher and T. Magedanz, Fokus Fraunhofer Institut and Technical University of Berlin, Germany
- A Vision for Reliable Network Services Architecture, J-B. Belinga*, H. Oumina**, D. Ranc*, *INT, France, **LORIA, Université de Nancy, France
- Security Verification and Classification of a Virtual Private Network, C. Llorens*, A. Serhrouchni**, *Equant, France, **GET-Telecom Paris, France
- Closing of the conference