NetCon'05 accepted

2005. 9. 13. 00:33
드뎌 나도 LNCS하나 갖게 됐다.. ㅡㅡ;;;

NetCon'05 - Lannion, France 14-18 november 2005 (

근데, AAA session에 냈었는지, mobility session에 냈었는지 기억이 안나네..ㅡㅡ

머 별로 쓸말은 없고... 걍 메일이나 ㅋ
Dear Authors

Once again Congratulations for your accepted paper at the Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility Conference NetCon 2005.

Please find below the reviews of your paper. We would appreciate you to consider the reviewers recommendations (if any) to prepare the camera ready paper.

As previously informed in our email, we expect your camera ready paper not later than September 30th.

It is also important to inform you that it is necessary to proceed before this same date September 30th with the conference Full registration of at least one of the co-authors in order to see your paper published in the proceedings.

Please see and follow the Camera Ready Guidelines and Templates that are included in this message and will be available on the Web site

The length of the paper cannot be higher than 14 pages.
The final paper has to be sent to

We would highly appreciate your confirmation as soon as possible that you have registered with success not later than September 30th and at least one co-author will have to attend the conference to present the paper.

We’ll be very happy to see you in Lannion, France, on November 14-18th, 2005.

Best Regards,
PC chairs
Posted by hjlee
BLOG main image by hjlee



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