
2006. 4. 15. 13:51
Today is...

D + 100

and, D - 1063

moreover D-day...

with me....
Posted by hjlee

전사 워크샵

2006. 4. 11. 08:31
Posted by hjlee
#define s_ACT 1
#define s_FAIL 2
#define s_SF 3
#define s_RDI 4
#define s_GB1 3
#define s_GB2 4
#define s_EXT 3
#define s_INT 4
#define s_HOLD 5
#define s_LED1 1
#define s_LED2 2
#define s_LED3 3
#define s_LED4 4
#define s_LED5 5
#define s_LED6 6
#define s_LED7 7
#define s_LED8 8
#define s_LED9 9
#define s_LED10 10
#define s_LED11 11
#define s_LED12 12
#define s_LED13 13
#define s_LED14 14
#define s_CR 3
#define s_MJ 4
#define s_MN 5
#define s_ACO 6
#define s_HST 7
#define s_FANFAIL1 1
#define s_FANFAIL2 2
#define s_FANFAIL3 3

#define cINSERT 1
#define cREMOVE 2
#define cENABLE 1
#define cDISABLE 0

unsigned char unitstate[5];
unsigned char ledstate[40];
void SetUnitState(unsigned char unitno, unsigned char stateType)
int index, offset;

/* unitno reordering */
if ((0 <= unitno ) && (unitno <= 7)) /* case of Tributary interface */
unitno += 8;
else if((8 <= unitno) && (unitno <= 15)) /* case of UP, GBE and TSI interface */
unitno -= 8;
unitno = unitno; /* case of MCU */

index = unitno / 4;
offset = unitno % 4;

if(stateType == cINSERT)
unitstate[index] |= 0x08 >> offset; /* Bit OR 000010000 */
else if(stateType == cREMOVE)
unitstate[index] &= 0xf7 >> offset; /* Bit AND 111101111 */
}/* hjlee */

void SetLedState(unsigned char unitno, unsigned char stateType, unsigned char stateMode)
int index, offset;
unsigned char mask;

/* unitno reordering */
if ((unitno >= 0) && (unitno <= 7)) /* case of Tributary interface */
unitno += 8;
else if((unitno >= 8) && (unitno <= 15)) /* case of UP, GBE and TSI interface */
unitno -= 8;
unitno = unitno; /* case of MCU and FAN */

if((unitno >= 0) && (unitno <= 5)) /* case of UP and GBE interface */
index = unitno;
if(stateMode == cENABLE)
ledstate[index] |= 0x10 >> stateType;
else if(stateMode == cDISABLE)
ledstate[index] &= 0xEF >> stateType;
else if((unitno >= 6) && (unitno <= 7)) /* case of TSI interface */
index = unitno;
if(stateMode == cENABLE)
ledstate[index] |= 0x20 >> stateType;
else if(stateMode == cDISABLE)
ledstate[index] &= 0xDF >> stateType;
else if((unitno >= 8) && (unitno <= 15)) /* case of Tributary interface */
index = 8 + ((unitno - 8) * 3);
offset = stateType / 5;
stateType = stateType % 5;

if(stateMode == cENABLE)
ledstate[index + offset] |= 0x20 >> stateType;
else if(stateMode == cDISABLE)
ledstate[index + offset] &= 0xD0 >> stateType;
else if((unitno >= 16) && (unitno <= 18)) /* case of MCU and FAN interface */
index = 32 + ((unitno - 16) * 2);
offset = stateType / 5;
stateType = stateType % 5;

if(stateMode == cENABLE)
ledstate[index + offset] |= 0x10 >> stateType;
else if(stateMode == cDISABLE)
ledstate[index + offset] &= 0xEF >> stateType;
}/* hjlee */
Posted by hjlee

About Me

2006. 3. 15. 13:30
1979년 4월 15일 출생신고.

2006년 2월 25일~2006년 3월 21일 : RSVP Porting - linux based Implementation to VxWorks
Posted by hjlee
Posted by hjlee


2006. 3. 6. 16:52
Basic English Conversation Class

Teacher - Ashley
Venue - Kisan Telecom, 2nd floor conference room
Member - James, Enach, Jay, Jina, Matin, June, Sung
Time : am 8:00. Mon, Wed, Fri / every week
Posted by hjlee
간략한 메뉴얼
: http://database.sarang.net/study/gdb/html/gdb-man.html

자세한 메뉴얼
: http://korea.gnu.org/manual/release/gdb/

: http://doc.kldp.org/KoreanDoc/html/GDBManual/GDBManual.html

간단한 사용법
: http://www.plus.or.kr/wikix/index.php?display=gdb
Posted by hjlee

도메인 등록

2006. 1. 31. 12:02
드디어 도메인 생겼다~~ ^^


많은 애용 바랍니다~~ 쿠쿠

야후닷컴 통해서 하니까 5년에 15000원~~ ^^ (http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/)

Posted by hjlee

면접 대비로 읽고 있는 책.

내가 내세울 수 있는 무기는 보안~~! ^^
Posted by hjlee


2006. 1. 16. 23:21
Wibro, WLL, Wirelss Security, VoIP 개략적인 내용 숙지할 것!
Posted by hjlee

BLOG main image
http://hjoo.org by hjlee



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